Terms And Conditions



These standard terms and conditions of the website written on this web page will manage your use of our site, SAWA SAT is accessible at www.sawasat.com.

These Terms will be fully applicable and affect your use of this website. By using this website, you agree to accept all terms and conditions written here. You should not use this website if you do not agree to any of these Terms and Conditions of the Site,

Minors or persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to use this website.

intellectual property rights

Other than the content you own, under these Terms, SAWA SAT and/or its licensor own all intellectual property rights and materials contained on this website.

You are granted a limited license only for the purposes of viewing the material included in this site.


You are particularly restricted by all of the following:

  • Publishing any website material in any other media;
  • Sell and sub-license any website material and/or make it commercial in any other form;
  • Perform and/or display any website material in general;
  • Use this website in any way that may or may be harmful to this website;
  • Use this website in any way affecting the user's access to this website;
  • Use this website contrary to applicable laws and regulations, or in any way may cause damage to the website, or to any person or business entity;
  • Participate in any data extraction, data collection, data extraction or other similar activity related to this site;
  • Use this site to engage in any advertising or marketing.
    Some areas of this site are prohibited from reaching you and you may overly press your access to any area of this site, at any time, at an absolute discretion. Any user ID and password you may have for this website is confidential and you must maintain confidentiality as well.


your content

In "website standard terms and conditions" this means "your content" any audio, video text, images or other material you choose to display on this website. By displaying your content, you grant SawaSat a non-exclusive, irrevocable, and irrevocable license worldwide for use, reproduction, adaptation, publication, translation and distribution in any other media.

Your content must belong to you and no third-party rights must be invaded. SawaSat reserves the right to remove any of your content from this website at any time without notice.

your privacy

please read Privacy Policy.

there are no guarantees

This website is provided "as is", with all errors, and SawaSat does not express any representations or warranties, of any kind related to this site or the material on this website. Also, nothing on this site will be interpreted as advising you.

liability limits

In any case, Sua Sat, or any of its officials, directors and employees, must be responsible for anything arising out of or in any way related to your use of this website, whether such liability is contracted. SawaSat, including its officials, directors and employees, will not be responsible for any indirect, consequential or private liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this website.


Under this Agreement, You shall compensate to the maximum extent but not against or against any and/or all obligations, costs, claims, reasons for conduct, damages and expenses arising in any way from Your breach of any of these Terms.


If any of these provisions are found invalid under any applicable law, these provisions shall be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions here.

Variance of terminology

SAWA SAT is allowed to review these Terms at any time it deems appropriate. Using this website, it is expected that you will review these Terms on a regular basis.


SAWA SAT is allowed to allocate, transfer, and subcontract its rights and/or obligations under these Terms without any notice. However, you are not allowed to appoint, transfer, or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms.

entire agreement

These Terms constitute the full agreement between SAWA SAT and you regarding your use of this Site and replace all previous agreements and understandings.


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